Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My tiny brain.

Okay, you might find this very... stupid.

I had written posts about my favourite country 'Italy' and wrote how much I wanted to go there and blah, blah, blah!

But I only looked at the ads from tv, about that place, the pizzas and the ice-creams and the delicious pasta.

But Venice? I thought that place was a country and not in Italy.
Silly me.

I'm sooo stupid.


I heard about Venice in some tv programme, I thought that was a country.. near Russia or somewhere.
I ad no idea that it was a city in Italy.
My favourite country!

So I changed my favorite country, to France.
Yes, got the idea from bro.


Hey, you know what? He gave me all the ideas so far!

He gave the idea of the name 'xeeko',
the idea of blogging here,
the idea of getting a cbox,
the idea of.... the name 'craxeeko'

So you probably would think that my blog , is actually his.


(image by bro)


Shaari said...

what???? i gave u the idea of cbox??? noway! i only told u how to install it cos u were having trouble with it. i'm glad u dont have it anymore :-)

Shaari said...

so france is your favourite country now? thats crazy, craxeeko. italy was your favourite country & now that u know venice (which is such a cool place) is in italy, u shud be liking italy even more!!!

Anonymous said...

St. Petersburg in Russia is famous as the Venice of the North. Maybe you had heard that somewhere and somehow confused it. Or maybe you confused Venice with the Vatican, which is a city state.

Btw isnt brain size independent of intelligence? Otherwise whales and elephants would be pretty smart. But maybe they are and are not telling us!

xeeko said...

shaari, yeah, yeah! so what if i like france better? you told me it had the best pastries! =]

anony, nah, i didn't hear something like that.. hehe. maybe what ur saying IS true! hey.. whales and elephants don't speak!! lol =]

Anonymous said...

i don't believe that shaari could give you the cbox idea. he can't commit such a sin!

xeeko said...


the impact said...

france? not great but better than italy...

the impact said...

france? not great but better than italy...

xeeko said...

impact, no, it is great. and so is italy but it's just too blahh...

shweetikle said...

idea of getting a cbox?? shaarifaa?? lol
i was damn shocked to see that! hehe lol

and im really disappointed and embarrassed to say this..i thot it was a city in america! =\

BubbleToes said...

i dun understnd...u changd ur fav country frm italy 2 france just coz u found out dat venice is in italy??? :S.. me is confoosd!
neway, france is beoootiful 2 =D!

xeeko said...

shweet, IT'S SHARIF! keke....

bubble toes, yeah.. i dunno anythin about both of them! lol =]