Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The dream of a lifetime.

Have you ever had a dream about being whoever you want but there was no way to fulfill it?

I had a dream.. and I still have it.

I've always wanted to be one of the following:

-Major rich guy.
-The first person to discover something new.

I guess those things might happen..

It's so not fair.
You might have the best voice in your country, or even be an awesome drama queen! But to be known through-out the nation, you need to find and meet some stupid music director or another famous billionaire and sing or act in front him/her!

I don't want to do any of that!
By coincidence, someone might find someone who is famous and do that, but it's not likely to happen to everyone! Which leaves us all utterly disappointed!


And say hello again to my complaints!

And on with my point.
It means, when you don't have the courage or strength to face something although you want to do it, ..... umm.. okay, you tell me the answer!

Today and yesterday were two very successful days of fasting.
Just ashaavees more!


Have a xeekolicious ramazan!

(image by girltripped, deviantart)


shweetikle said...

*a very shweetish smile*

.mini said...

insha allah all you dreams will come true
good luck xeeko! ^.^

xeeko said...

shweetikle, * a very xeekolicious smile*

.mini, thanks ^.^

BubbleToes said...

biliv in urself..:)