Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The sky is, yet again, blue.

Why can't it be purplish?
Or greenish? Or slightly silver-ishhhh?

Actually, why is it blue?
Is the sea's reflection hitting the sun's rays or something?
I need to know!

You guys are bigger, better, and smarter.
Don't you know?
Maybe I'll be a scientist one day..

I said maybe, so don't get your hopes up.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Coke = ........

I was checking my email yesterday and I was really surprised
to see a message about Coke. 

Of course I don't believe what it says, 
must be some rumor some idiot made up, and the chain goes on and on and on....
But .mini, you might be shocked to read it, as you're a huge fan of coke.

I don't think they should spread rumors like this. Whether it's true or not. 
But please, can you really believe it?

*image by KORELYAN, deviantart*

Sunday, February 8, 2009

How could I forget?

Gosh, one whole year of blogging!
Well, not on this blog dhw. As most of you know, I had another blog (my first one) but it went *boom! clank! poof! rawr!* so I made another one. 

And that my friend, is what you're reading now.
And that concludes this post.

(image by....

You think this is over?
I don't think so! This is just the beginning...

I took my oath today and got my junior leader badge.
I feel like boasting about it to all the grade ones, twos, threes, fours, and especially fives! How I waited for this day to come...

Comment PLEASE!
I know this post is a teeny bit boring, but you could comment can't you? It's takes only a minute... =D

(image by iNeedChemicalX, deviantart)

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Woooow, i'm lucky!
i'm gonna be a JUNIOR LEADER!
i'm like sooo happy, but so tired! 

There's this lava thingy for the school anniversary, and only the best lava kiyaakudhin from the WHOLE school can take part, (fonivefa :P ) and there's the band, and the whole junior leader oath, so i'm stuck in the middle!!!

i guess i finally came out from the pupae stage and changed into a butterfly. 
And i've come out from my camouflage!

As in.... I've finally become a somebody.
It doesn't really matter, but it kinda feels great.

Keke, i've been really busy...
sorry i couldn't post too much... it's becoming a headache!

*oh, i totally forgot whose pic this is!*